
Using the five W's (Who, What, When, Where, Why) of a Story

One of the best practices for writers is to follow "The 5Ws" guideline, by investigating the Who, What, Where, When and Why of a story. 

If you can’t identify what makes your story unique and interesting, chances are nobody else will either.


Gus Levy from Goldman Sachs told great stories and summarized one by saying, "We're greedy but we are long-term greedy." Storytelling is a great way to communicate culture and character. 


Character is the term Grant uses to refer to a person's culture.


I'm a storytelling junkie as you can probably tell from my collection below.

Adam Grant is #1 on my list.

Here's an article about storytelling that helps in cybersecurity training -

Here's a great article on the neuroscience of storytelling (i.e., why it works to communicate) -

A Harvard Review Article on "How to Identify and Tell Your Most Powerful Stories" -

These are the storytelling lessons I learned from Steve Jobs - Fast Company

The 4 elements of good storytelling that will attract attention and inspire audiences. - Inc. --,parts%20to%20telling%20great%20stories.

The next chapter in analytics: data storytelling | MIT Sloan --

Data storytelling (Not working yet)